HC Andersen Capital (HCA) has experienced strong growth in 2024 with a revenue increase of 23% to almost 2 million euros – the highest level in the company's five-year history. At the same time, the company has continued its positive development with profitable operations.
Focus on "one stop shop" for investor relations
In 2024, HCA has consolidated its position as a comprehensive platform for investor relations services. Many listed companies use up to eight different suppliers for IR tasks, but HCA's concept makes it possible to gather these services in one place, which provides customers with both cost savings and a more efficient solution.
Strategic milestones in 2024
1) Nasdaq-certified advisor: HCA was approved as a Certified Advisor for Nasdaq First North in April 2024 and has already secured 11 customers.
2) Launch of "Inderes IR Distribution": In collaboration with Inderes, HCA has launched a new software solution for the distribution of press and stock market releases, which is already used by 10 customers.
3) Established HCA Invest Fund 1: to support Danish growth companies with risk-taking capital
The overall development was continued growth of 3% in the revenue base. We are still a start-up company with strong growth aspirations. We were established in 2020 during the Covid crisis, and this is the fourth year of operation. In all four years of operation, we have had positive growth, generated cash and remained profitable. Our capital base is strong. In 2023 we moved into new office in central Copenhagen. (...)
The overall development was continued growth of 34% in the revenue base. We are still a start up company with strong growth aspirations. We want to grow–maintain positive cash flow and stay profitable. During 2022 we have sharpened our purpose. (...)
Download reportLedelsen har dags dato behandlet og godkendt årsrapporten for regnskabsåret 3. juni 2020 - 31. december 2020 for HC Andersen Capital 2 ApS. Det er min opfattelse, at årsregnskabet giver et retvisende billede af selskabets aktiver, passiver og finansielle stilling pr. 31. december 2020 samt af resultatet af selskabets aktiviteter for regnskabsåret 3. juni 2020 - 31. december 2020. (...)
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1260 København K
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Phone: 28 74 66 40
CVR: 41474793
HC Andersen Capital was established in 2020 and is at the forefront of digital Investor Relations, amplifying market presence.
Our tailored services encompass IR and ESG advisory, Legal Support, cutting-edge digital solutions such as IR websites and IR distribution software, Commissioned Research, Corporate Finance advisory and more. We are proudly Certified Advisor on Nasdaq First North Copenhagen.