Privacy policy


Latest updated 03.06.2024

Who are we?

Information regarding HC Andersen Capital

HC Andersen Capital 2 ApS

CVR: DK41474793

Bredgade 23B, 2. sal, 1250 København K

+45 28 74 66 40

Our purpose with collecting personal data

We have various purposes for collecting data, mainly, but not exclusively, to be able to improve our website/services for our users and give them a better experience.

In addition, data collection and cookies are used to create statistics, analyzes and predictive models to improve our business, including a focus on profitability, growth, efficiency. This allows us to have more targeted communication. This is done on the basis of the nature of the data protection regulation. 6.1, litra f (legitimate interests).

Marketing purposes

We want to inform about news and especially send out invites to events via our event newsletter, where it is easy and accessible to unsubscribe from future emails from us. We only collect your name and email address if you have registered for one of our events or have subscribed to our newsletter. This is done on the basis of legitimate interests as outlined in the data protection regulation 6.1, letter f.

Hosts and/or co-hosts may wish to inform you of investor-oriented company-specific news after you have registered for an event or a presentation with the company in question. Hosts and co-hosts are subject to a data processing agreement that ensures your rights, and you can unsubscribe from future emails from the company in question at any time.

Partners and services HC Andersen Capital uses to host webinars and events

Agillic to send out our e-mail newsletters; Event – newsletter, Marketoverview & BioSnack

Sleeknote to collect e-mails, after a volentary provided consent has been submitted by subscribing to HC Andersen newsletter

Processing of your personal information

We do not sell your personal data to third-parties and we do not transfer your data to countries outside of the EU/EEA.

Hosting of our events

HC Andersen Capital use to host our events. By signing up for an event hosted by HC Andersen Capital we collect your: firstname, surname & E-mail.

This information (E-mail & your full name) will be visible to relevant employees at HC Andersen Capital along with hosts and/or co-hosts at the particular event. This will mainly, but not always be related to HC Andersen Capital clients hosting a company-related event.

By using you accept the following:
1) That HC Andersen Capital & other hosts and/or co-hosts have access to your firstname, surname and e-mail.

2) That hosts and/or can choose to inform you of investor-specific news regarding their company, after you have signed up and/or participated at an event or presentation hosted by the particular company.

3) Hosts and co-hosts are subject to a data-processing agreement that secures your rights regarding data protection and GDPR requirements. You can at all times choose to unsubscribe from these e-mails to ensure you will not receive any mails from the company in question in the future.

Read Videosync's privacy policy here.

How do we store and protect your personal data

We store personal data for subscribers on our newsletters, this is e-mails and first and/or surnames. To be able to send our newsletter to these subscribers, we use external partners, where the information described above is stored.

We store your data in a safe and security focused manner. Only the necessary employees have access to the data to carry out the services the subscriber has signed up for.

Embedded content from other websites at

Articles on this site may contain embedded content (eg videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with this embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content.

Your rights

Du har retten til følgende punkter:

The right to insight

You have the right to access to your personal data which HC Andersen Capital is processing.

You have the right to object to the collection and processing of your data, including for automated individual rulings.

You can require that we correct data. This will be done without unnecessary delays.

You can always require HC Andersen Capital to erase personal data related to you, even though this might make unable to provide you with our services. You can read more regarding the erasing of data in the section about how we store your data.

You have the right to limit the amount of data HC Andersen Capital has processed on behalf of you.

You have the right to receive your personal data in a machine-readable format as well as have the personal data transmitted to another data controller (data portability).

When you have given your consent, you can always contact us to learn to what extent. At any time, you can revoke your consent. Contact us at

Subsequently, we will cease to process your data, unless we can continue the processing on a different basis.

Removal of voluntary consent

HC Andersen Capital handles your personal data (defined earlier) on your voluntary consent, therefor you have the right to always withdraw the consent. A withdrawal of consent means, that HC Andersen Capital no longer can and/or will process your personal data, for which you have given your voluntary consent.

This withdrawal does not change the processing we have done with your personal data prior to the withdrawal of consent, this includes, but is not limited to transfer of data to others in a manner as described earlier.

Complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency

You can at all times file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency regarding the processing of personal data by HC Andersen Capital. You should however always contact HC Andersen Capital prior to this, if you are of the opinion that we have done and/or are processing your data in a way which violates the Data protection legislation. By taking this step, you give us the opportunity to explain our point of view.

You can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency via e-mail on or on the web-page

The date regarding the latest change to our privacy policy is visible at the top of this page.

Data-policy at HC Andersen Capital

At the collection, processing and use of your personal data we at HC Andersen Capital always comply and follow relevant and applicable legislation. We will only store your personal data as long as we are legally obliged to or as long as the data is relevant regarding the purpose it was collected for.

Information we collect:

HC Andersen collects and process your data, when you do the following:

1) Visit our web-page, 2) Sign up for an event 3) Subscribe for one or more of our newsletters

Your normal contact-information such as firstname, surname & e-mail is collected by us, to make you able to sign up for events and to send you newsletters. Your information (excluding your e-mail, if you have provided us with consent to process it) will be deleted to years after you have been provided with our service.

HC Andersen Capital does not sell your any third parties and does not transfer your data to third-countries.

We use external partners to be able to provide our services in the best possible way. These external suppliers are data processors and in certain cases process personal data in connection with their provision of services to us. Our data processors only process personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with the legal requirements for data processors.

We have entered into data processing agreements with our data processors, which is our and your guarantee that they comply with applicable regulations on the protection of your personal data.

Breaches of the personal data laws

HC Andersen Capital is responsible for reporting data breaches to the Danish Data Protection Authority that occur with us and/or our data processors. Our data processors work under our instructions and are subject to our requirements regarding organizational, technical and security measures.

If we experience a breach of personal data security, according to personal data legislation, we are basically obliged to report the breach to the Danish Data Protection Authority within 72 hours of becoming aware.

If the breach of personal data security is likely to involve a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we are also obliged to inform you directly. We will do this via phone, email, SMS, on our website or via the press, depending on the contact information we have of those affected in the situation and the seriousness of the data breach.



Sidst opdateret 03.06.2024

Hvem er vi?

Oplysninger vedrørende HC Andersen Capital

HC Andersen Capital 2 Aps

CVR: DK41474793

Bredgade 23B, 2. sal, 1250 København K

+45 28 74 66 40

Formål med indsamling af dine personoplysninger

Vi har forskellige formål med indsamling af data, hovedsagligt, men ikke udelukkende for at kunne forbedre vores hjemmeside overfor for vores brugere og give dem en bedre oplevelse.

Derudover benyttes dataindsamling og cookies for at lave statistikker, analyser og prædiktive modeller for at forbedre vores forretning herunder fokus på lønsomhed, vækst, effektivitet. Dette vil være i forbindelse med en mere målrettet kommunikation. Dette sker på baggrund af databeskyttelsesforordningens art. 6, stk. 1, litra f (legitime interesser).


Vi ønsker at orientere om nyheder og særligt invitere til events via vores event-nyhedsmail, hvor det er nemt og tilgængeligt at afmelde fremtidige mails fra os. Dine kontaktoplysninger såsom navn og e-mailadresse indhenter vi kun, hvis du har været tilmeldt et af vores events eller har oprettet dig på vores nyhedsmail. Dette sker på baggrund af databeskyttelsesforordningens art. 6, stk. 1, litra f (legitime interesser).

Værter og/eller medværter kan ønske at orientere dig om investorrettede selskabsspecifikke nyheder, efter at du har været tilmeldt et event eller en præsentation med det pågældende selskab. Værter og medværter er underlagt en databehandlingsaftale, der sikrer dine rettigheder og du kan til enhver tid afmelde fremtidige mails fra det pågældende selskab.

Samarbejdspartnere og services HC Andersen Capital benytter sig af til afholdelse webinarer og events Agillic til at udsende nyhedsbrev, Markedsoverblik samt BioSnack

Agillic til udsendelse af nyhedsbreve, herunder; Event nyhedsbrev, Markedsoverblik og BioSnack

Sleeknote til indsamling e-mailadresser, efter afgivelse af samtykke ved tilmelding til HC Andersen Capitals nyhedsbreve

Behandling af dine personoplysninger

Vi sælger ikke dine persondata til tredjemand, og vi overfører ikke dine persondata til tredjelande.

Afholdelse af events

HC Andersen Capital benytter sig af, for at kunne afholde events. Ved tilmelding til et af HC Andersen Capitals event indsamler vi data; fornavn, efternavn og e-mailadresse.

Den information (E-mail og for- og efternavn) vil være synlig for relevante medarbejdere i HC Andersen Capital samt andre værter og/eller andre medværter for det pågældende event. Dette vil oftest være i forbindelse med at HC Andersen Capitals kunder afholder et selskabsspecifikt event.

Ved at bruge accepterer du følgende tre punkter.
1) At HC Andersen Capital og andre værter og/eller andre medværter har adgang til dit fornavn, efternavn og din e-mailadresse.

2) At værter og/eller medværter kan ønske at orientere dig om investorrettede selskabsspecifikke nyheder, efter at du har været tilmeldt et event eller en præsentation med det pågældende selskab.

3) Værter og medværter er underlagt en databehandlingsaftale, der sikrer dine rettigheder og du kan til enhver tid afmelde fremtidige mails fra det pågældende selskab.

Tilgå Videosyncs privalivspolitk her.

Hvordan vi opbevarer og beskytter dine personoplysninger

Vi opbevarer personoplysninger for tilmeldte på vores nyhedsbreve, dette vil være e-mailadresser samt fornavn og efternavn på de tilmeldte. For at sende vores nyhedsbrev ud benytter vi os af eksterne samarbejdspartnere, hvor disse oplysninger også er opbevaret.

Vi opbevarer dine personoplysninger sikkert og derfor bliver de opbevaret med fokus på sikkerhed samt, at det kun er de nødvendige databehandlere i HC Andersen Capital, der har adgang til dem.

Indlejret indhold fra andre websteder på

Artikler på dette websted kan indeholde indlejret indhold (f.eks. videoer, billeder, artikler osv.). Indlejret indhold fra andre websteder opfører sig på nøjagtig samme måde, som hvis den besøgende har besøgt det andet websted.

Disse websteder indsamler måske data om dig, bruger cookies, indlejrer ekstra tredjeparts sporing, og overvåger din interaktion med dette indlejrede indhold, heriblandt at spore din interaktion med indlejret indhold.

Dine rettigheder

Du har retten til følgende punkter:

Retten til indsigt

Du har ret til at få indsigt i, hvilke personoplysninger HC Andersen Capital behandler om dig.

Du har ret til at modsætte dig behandlingen af dine personoplysninger og få behandlingen af dine personoplysninger begrænset. Særligt har du en ubetinget ret til at modsætte dig behandling af dine personoplysninger til brug for direkte markedsføring og til at gøre indsigelse mod profilering i det omfang, den vedrører direkte markedsføring.

Du har ret til at få berigtiget urigtige personoplysninger uden unødig forsinkelse, herunder har du under hensyn til formålene med behandlingen ret til at få tilføjet eventuelt manglende personoplysninger.

Du kan se, hvornår HC Andersen Capital sletter dine personoplysninger under afsnittet – Opbevaring af dine personoplysninger.

Du har ret til at begrænse HC Andersen Capitals behandling af dine personoplysninger i visse tilfælde, blandt andet når der foreligger tvivl om dine personoplysningers rigtighed.

Du har ret til at få personoplysninger, som du selv har afgivet til HC Andersen Capital, overført til dig i et struktureret, almindeligt anvendt og maskinlæsbart format.

Hvis HC Andersen Capital behandler dine personoplysninger på baggrund af dit samtykke, har du til enhver tid ret til at tilbagekalde dit samtykke. En tilbagekaldelse af samtykket indebærer, at HC Andersen Capital ikke fremover må behandle dine personoplysninger til det formål, som du gav dit samtykke til. Tilbagekaldelsen påvirker ikke den behandling af dine personoplysninger, som er foretaget forud for tilbagekaldelsen, fx hvis du har givet os samtykke til at videregive oplysningerne. Du kan gøre brug af dine rettigheder ved at ringe til HC Andersen Capital eller ved at sende en E-mail. De pågældende kontaktoplysninger er oplyst i toppen af dokumentet.

Persondatapolitik hos HC Andersen Capital 2 ApS

Vi indhenter kun persondata i de tilfælde, hvor dette skulle være relevant for os, og vi vil kun indhente persondata, hvis det er relevant for din aktivitet hos HC Andersen Capital. Ved indsamling, behandling og anvendelse af dine persondata overholder vi altid alle relevante og gældende lovbestemmelser. Vi vil kun opbevare dine persondata, så længe vi enten er pålagt en juridisk forpligtelse hertil, eller så længe det er relevant for den hensigt, hvormed de blev indsamlet.

Oplysninger vi indsamler

HC Andersen Capital indsamler og behandler dine persondata, når du foretager dig følgende: 1) Besøger vores hjemmeside, 2) melder dig til et event eller 3) melder dig til et eller flere af vores nyhedsbreve

Dine almindelige kontaktoplysninger som fornavn, efternavn og e-mailadresse indhenter vi for at kunne tilmelde dig events samt sende dig e-mails med tilbud om events. Dine oplysninger (undtagen din e-mailadresse, hvis du har givet samtykke til behandling heraf med henblik på modtagelse af tilbud) vil blive slettet 2 år efter du har modtaget din vare eller ydelse.

HC Andersen Capital sælger ikke dine persondata til tredjemand, og vi overfører ikke dine persondata til tredjelande. Vi bruger eksterne virksomheder som leverandører for at levere vores ydelser bedst muligt. Disse eksterne leverandører er databehandlere og behandler i visse tilfælde personoplysninger i forbindelse med deres levering af ydelser til os. Vores databehandlere behandler kun personoplysninger efter vores instrukser og i overensstemmelse med lovgivningens krav til databehandlere. Vi har indgået databehandleraftaler med vores databehandlere, hvilket er vores og din garanti for, at de overholder gældende regler om beskyttelse af dine personoplysninger.

Klage til datatilsynet

Du har til enhver tid ret til at indgive en klage til Datatilsynet over HC Andersen Capital´s behandling af dine personoplysninger. Du bør dog altid først tage kontakt til HC Andersen Capital, hvis du mener vi har behandlet dine personoplysninger i strid med den persondataretlige regulering. På den måde kan du få HC Andersen Capitals forklaring af sagen.

Du kan kontakte Datatilsynet pr. mail eller læse mere på Datoen for, hvornår vi sidst har opdateret denne politik, vil fremgå øverst på siden.

Brud på persondatasikkerheden

HC Andersen Capital er ansvarlige for at anmelde databrud til Datatilsynet, som sker hos os og/eller vores databehandlere. Vores databehandlere arbejder under vores instruks og er underlagt vores krav vedr. organisatoriske, tekniske og sikkerhedsmæssige foranstaltninger.

Hvis vi oplever et brud på persondatasikkerheden, er vi efter per­sondatalovgivningen som udgangspunkt forpligtet til at anmelde bruddet til Datatilsynet indenfor 72 timer efter, at vi er blevet bekendt med dette.

Hvis bruddet på persondatasikkerheden sandsynligvis indebærer en høj risiko for dine rettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, er vi også forpligtede til at informere dig direkte. Det vil vi gøre via telefon, mail, sms, på vores hjemmeside eller via pressen, afhængigt af de kontaktoplysninger som vi har på de berørte i situationen og alvoren af databruddet.


LATEST UPDATE: 26th of January 2023

Who are we?

Our web-address is:

Name, address & contact information:

HC Andersen Capital 2 Aps 

CVR: 41474793

Address: Njalsgade 21G, 4th floor, 2300 København S

Phone: +45 28 74 66 40



We have various purposes for collecting data, mainly, but not exclusively, to be able to improve our website/services for our users and give them a better experience.

In addition, data collection and cookies are used to create statistics, analyzes and predictive models to improve our business, including a focus on profitability, growth, efficiency. This allows us to have more targeted communication. This is done on the basis of the nature of the data protection regulation. 6.1, litra f (legitimate interests).


We want to inform about news and especially send out invites to events via our event newsletter, where it is easy and accessible to unsubscribe from future emails from us. We only collect your name and email address if you have registered for one of our events or have subscribed to our newsletter. This is done on the basis of legitimate interests as outlined in the data protection regulation 6.1, letter f.

Hosts and/or co-hosts may wish to inform you of investor-oriented company-specific news after you have registered for an event or a presentation with the company in question. Hosts and co-hosts are subject to a data processing agreement that ensures your rights, and you can unsubscribe from future emails from the company in question at any time.


  • to host webinars and events webinars and events
  • Agillic to send out our e-mail newsletters; Event – newsletter, Marketoverview & BioSnack
  • Sleeknote to collect e-mails, after a volentary provided consent has been submitted by subscribing to HC Andersen newsletter

    We do not sell your personal data to third-parties and we do not transfer your data to countries outside of the EU/EEA.


    HC Andersen Capital use to host our events. By signing up for an event hosted by HC Andersen Capital we collect your: firstname, surname & E-mail.

    This information (E-mail & your full name) will be visible to relevant employees at HC Andersen Capital along with hosts and/or co-hosts at the particular event. This will mainly, but not always be related to HC Andersen Capital clients hosting a company-related event.

    By using you accept the following:

    • That HC Andersen Capital & other hosts and/or co-hosts have access to your firstname, surname and e-mail
    • That hosts and/or can choose to inform you of investor-specific news regarding their company, after you have signed up and/or participated at an event or presentation hosted by the particular company. Hosts and co-hosts are subject to a data-processing agreement that secures your rights regarding data protection and GDPR requirements. You can at all times choose to unsubscribe from these e-mails to ensure you will not receive any mails from the company in question in the future.

    You can read the Privacy policy of Videosync.fy here:


    We store personal data for subscribers on our newsletters, this is e-mails and first and/or surnames. To be able to send our newsletter to these subscribers, we use external partners, where the information described above is stored.

    We store your data in a safe and security focused manner. Only the necessary employees have access to the data to carry out the services the subscriber has signed up for.


    Articles on this site may contain embedded content (eg videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other website.

    These sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with this embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content.


    The right to insight
    You have the right to access to your personal data which HC Andersen Capital is processing.

    The right to object
    You have the right to object to the collection and processing of your data, including for automated individual rulings.

    The right correct your data
    You can require that we correct data. This will be done without unnecessary delays.

    The right erase your data
    You can always require HC Andersen Capital to erase personal data related to you, even though this might make unable to provide you with our services. You can read more regarding the erasing of data in the section about how we store your data.

    The right to limit
    You have the right to limit the amount of data HC Andersen Capital has processed on behalf of you.

    The right to data portability
    You have the right to receive your personal data in a machine-readable format as well as have the personal data transmitted to another data controller (data portability) .

    Removal of voluntary consent
    When you have given your consent, you can always contact us to learn to what extent. At any time, you can revoke your consent. Contact us at  Subsequently, we will cease to process your data, unless we can continue the processing on a different basis.


    HC Andersen Capital handles your personal data (defined earlier) on your voluntary consent, therefor you have the right to always withdraw the consent. A withdrawal of consent means, that HC Andersen Capital no longer can and/or will process your personal data, for which you have given your voluntary consent. This withdrawal does not change the processing we have done with your personal data prior to the withdrawal of consent, this includes, but is not limited to transfer of data to others in a manner as described earlier.


    You can at all times file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency regarding the processing of personal data by HC Andersen Capital. You should however always contact HC Andersen Capital prior to this, if you are of the opinion that we have done and/or are processing your data in a way which violates the Data protection legislation. By taking this step, you give us the opportunity to explain our point of view. You can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency via e-mail on or on the web-page

    The date regarding the latest change to our privacy policy is visible at the top of this page.

    Developed in collaboration with Venari Digital


    At the collection, processing and use of your personal data we at HC Andersen Capital always comply and follow relevant and applicable legislation.
    We will only store your personal data as long as we are legally obliged to or as long as the data is relevant regarding the purpose it was collected for.

    Information we collect:
    HC Andersen collects and process your data, when you do the following:

    • Visit our web-page
    • Sign up for an event
    • Subscribe for one or more of our newsletters

    Your normal contact-information such as firstname, surname & e-mail is collected by us, to make you able to sign up for events and to send you newsletters.

    Your information (excluding your e-mail, if you have provided us with consent to process it) will be deleted to years after you have been provided with our service.

    Other recipients of your personal data

    HC Andersen Capital does not sell your any third parties and does not transfer your data to third-countries.

    We use external partners to be able to provide our services in the best possible way. These external suppliers are data processors and in certain cases process personal data in connection with their provision of services to us. Our data processors only process personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with the legal requirements for data processors.

    We have entered into data processing agreements with our data processors, which is our and your guarantee that they comply with applicable regulations on the protection of your personal data.


    HC Andersen Capital is responsible for reporting data breaches to the Danish Data Protection Authority that occur with us and/or our data processors. Our data processors work under our instructions and are subject to our requirements regarding organizational, technical and security measures.

    If we experience a breach of personal data security, according to personal data legislation, we are basically obliged to report the breach to the Danish Data Protection Authority within 72 hours of becoming aware.

    If the breach of personal data security is likely to involve a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we are also obliged to inform you directly. We will do this via phone, email, SMS, on our website or via the press, depending on the contact information we have of those affected in the situation and the seriousness of the data breach.