Manage the investor dialogue

Be at the top of the IR-game by keeping investors engaged, understand their questions in regard to your company and actively manage the dialogue.

Almost 80 percent of institutional and private investors use social media as part of their regular workflow…

30 percent of these investors say information obtained through social media has directly influenced an investment recommendation or decision…

Key Offering

Investor Events

Our Investor Relations events are here to enhance the bond between your company and its investors, focusing on your narrative and key messages. 

Commissioned Research

Our commissioned research aims to deepen the understanding of your company. We take pride in doing our best to analyse the company in the interest of the investors.

With active IR we manage the investor dialogue

Social Media

Awareness phase

An active media presence creates awareness by engaging directly with the investor audience and enhances investor recognition



Heightened awareness can translate into increased share liquidity as more investors become aware and potentially interested in investing.

Investor Forum


Understand your investors by using social monitoring; especially in the Inderes forum you can get an idea of what the investors are discussion about your company

Investor events

Manage the investor dialogue

Virtual events with CEO/CFO/IROs can significantly enhance investor engagement by providing a personal insight into the vision and strategy

Analyst comments

Manage the investor dialogue

Companies involved in manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure services, among other areas. This sector is diverse, covering activities from heavy industry to lighter industrial services.

Commissioned research

Manage the investor dialogue

Commissioned research reports offer in-depth analysis and insights, providing private and institutional investors with valuable information for informed decision-making and potential investment planning

Contact our Digital IR Team

Mie Juel Halse

Head of Digital & Sales